
Tiger’s Eye


Planets-Sun, Mercury

Zodiac Signs-Leo, Gemini, Capricorn



Good luck, money spells, gambling.

Good to treat depression. Gives energy, courage.

Protection against all forms of danger.

Good for divination.  Seeing the future or uncovering past lives.

Lapis Lazuli


Planets-Neptune, Venus

Zodiac Signs-Sagittarius, Libra



Stone of teachers

Healing, soothing, fidelity, love, protection.

Good for fever, depression, mental illness, epilepsy, strengthens eyesight.

For strengthening psychic abilities, place on 3rd eye chakra.

Prevents miscarriage, charm for pregnancy.

Protects children, promotes their health and growth.

Every stone magician must have this one stone above all else.


Purple Quartz


Planets-Jupiter, Neptune

Zodiac Signs-Sagittarius, Pisces

Tarot Card-Temperance

Protects against drunkenness, treats addictions, gives mental clarity

Place on top of head to open crown chakra.  Past life and dream work.  Connecting to the Divine.

Put under pillow, beside bed to drive away nightmares or cure insomnia.

The legend of the origin of amethyst comes from Greek myths. Dionysus, the god of intoxication, was angered one day by an insult from a mere mortal and swore revenge on the next mortal that crossed his path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his wish. Along came unsuspecting Amethyst, a beautiful young maiden on her way to pay tribute to the goddess Diana. Diana turned Amethyst into a stature of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in remorse for his action at the sight of the beautiful statue. The god’s tears stained the quartz purple, creating the gem we know today.


Yellow Quartz


Planet- Sun

Zodiac Sign-Leo

Called Merchant’s Stone brings wealth.  Good in a cash register/box.

Protection, anti nightmare, psychic awareness/development, grounds and dissipates negative energy

Good for solar plexus 3rd chakra.  Place on stomach near navel.

Mental and emotional clarity. Problem-solving, memory, willpower, optimism, confidence, self discipline, digestion. Reduces anxiety, fear, depression, stomach tension, food disorders, allergies.